The clouds parted just enough for us to see the eclipse this week.
2. I'm organised
You may remember last year I was moaning about not having enough storage and too many clothes. Well I've been Ebaying and giving to charity shops, some hard decisions were made about clothes I loved but never wore. Andrew gave me a linen press for my birthday last year, a piece of furniture I had always yearned for and all my problems were solved.
3. Bees
I'm nearly half way through the bee keeping course. 3 out of 4 theory and then in May there are 4 practical lessons. Part of me really wants to keep bees but then I'm thinking, do I need something else in my life right now? And what happens when we move? At the moment the bees are winning!
4. I fell in love
It's OK Andrew knows, actually he approves. Sadly at €120,000 I know that this mill house is not going to be around when we're ready to buy :-(